Wednesday, 4 February 2009

I should have been in hospital today!

Today was my original operation date and this time 2 weeks ago I was in theatre!! I'm so glad the date was brought forward now as instead being on the operating table, I'm feeling almost back to normal. I still have to be careful lifting things or of overstretching/bending but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good!! I had my stitches out yesterday which was a relief as they were really starting to pull.......the incisions seems to be feeling a bit more tender now that they're healing but apparently, that's because the nerve endings are also's not too bad though.

I'm going back to work on Monday and can't wait. I've really missed my workmates as we do have a laugh in work and they're all really nice. I've also missed doing my job lol as I really enjoy it. I can only do light work for the first week or so, so it'll be the office stuff only but that's's the part I enjoy the most lol.

I managed to get some crafting done yesterday which was nice because it's been a long time since I've felt up to it. I'm hoping to get more done today as I have a few clocks I need to make for people as gifts.
Although I've really missed work, it's been nice being able to spend more time with Tony and the kids as we're usually all like passing ships in the night lol. I've been able to help Daniel with homework that was part of his Art exam, help Tony with some of the paperwork for his business and been going along to Hayleigh's majorette classes with her which was good because I got to sit and have a coffee and a chat with the other mums. I've also been able to spend more time with my friend and she's been so great while I was still feeling rough, offering to take me anywhere I needed to go and picking up anything I needed......I'd have been lost without her.

Well, I'm off to do some crafting and a bit of housework (nothing too heavy of course lol) then I need to get ready to take Hayleigh to her majorette class tonight, I think I'll miss going there when I'm back in work lol.

Bye for now xxx

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