Friday, 30 January 2009

My week since surgery ....part 2!

I wrote so much on my last post that I had to cut it short (if you could call that short lol) so here's the rest.........

I was discharged from the hospital at around 2pm on Thursday (22nd Jan). My mum came in at about 11am and sat with me until my dad and Tony came to drive me home. The drive was pretty uncomfortable, I had to be careful how I put the seatbealt on but I didn't wanna chance not wearing it. For the first few days I was really sore and in quite a bit of pain, I was also VERY swollen, I couldn't even put my own socks on lol. Things have a got a bit easier each day since then and on Sunday (25th Jan) my dad came and collected me and I went to their house for the afternoon and had one of my mum's lovely roast dinners! I needed that because I hadn't really eaten much since I got home, just snacks really.......I even had a glass of wine :))

On Tuesday (27th Jan) I felt alot better when I got up in the morning so decided to have a walk to the local shops, it was supposed to be just for ciggies but I started remembering other things we needed while I was there. Anyways, I ended buying too much and by the time I got halfway home carrying the bags, I was in a lot of pain.........I soon realised why they tell you to take things easy lol. I also learned the hard way that just because you feel like you can do something, doesn't mean you can lol. Since then I've stayed home and rested like I'm supposed to :)

On Thursday I went to see my own Doctor so he could check that everything's healing ok and he said that it is!! He didn't wanna take the stictches out yet so I have to go back next week to have those out. I was hoping that he'd let me go back to work this next Monday but he said it's too soon yet and wants me have at least another week then hopefully I can go back and just do light work.

Well it's now Saturday.......10 days since the operation and I'm feeling alot better, still quite sore and still having some pain but it's bearable and that's great considering I had to be dosed up on strong painkillers just to get through the day before. I'm sleeping a million times better too, before the op I never got a full nights sleep...ever, because I had to get up to take painkillers in the night. I'm planning on spending today doing some crafting....something I haven't done for a long time as I just didn't feel up to it.

Well I'm not gonna make this post as long and as boring as the last one lol so I'm off to start my crafting, I might post some of the results in the next few days......depends how much I manage to get done :)

Bye for now xxxxx

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