Saturday 17 January 2009

Pre-Op over with!

Well, I had my pre-op appointment yesterday and everything went ok so now it's just a case of getting through the next few days until I go in. I'll be admitted at 11am on Wednesday then will have my operation at about 12.30 - 1pm, I feel a bit better over it all now after talking to the nurse and having alot of questions answered, but still pretty nervous.

I'm not feeling to great today and I'm in quite a bit of pain.......I got different painkillers from the doctor a week or so ago which seemed to be working better. They're the same brand and strength but they seem to work quicker because they're soluable (sp) ones so I've had a a good week or so of actually feeling almost normal but today it's all back a vengance :(

I'm supposed to be going out tonight to my workmates 21st Birthday but I'll have see how the day goes first as I'm off to work soon and have a busy 4 hour shift to get through. If I do manage to get there I won't be staying late.

Anyways, I better get this shift over with....bye for now xxxx

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